Saturday, July 20, 2013

Four More of My Most Useful iPad (and iPhone) Apps for Our Sandwich Generation Family

Thanks to CamWow - I have double the pink flowers for Pink SaturdayIn our family, iPads are synonymous with photos! Of course, they have plenty of other great uses ? reading books, listening to audio programs, watching TV shows, keeping up-to-date on weather conditions, etc. But photos are what generate the biggest smiles on the faces of all my Sandwich Generation kith and kin ? from my senior mom to my littlest grandkids.

Some apps that we especially enjoy are:

  1. Instagram ? even my oldest grandkids are using this and I'm tickled pink to say I got an invite from them as well. Very thrilling! We keep the settings on private so it's all just family and close friends. A nice treat on the busy internet highway.
  2. Camwow ? this continues to be a hit with the younger set and you'll find many of the hilarious photos popping up periodically on my computer screen saver, tho my senior mom is not as big a fan so they are NOT on her iPad (for the most part).? Thanks to CamWow ? I have double the pink blooms for Pink Saturday in the photo above. And a great giggle with my "neck-less" grandson in the photo below. What do you think? :) ?
  3. Flipboard - I just recently added this along with Instagram to my senior mom's iPad. I had used it before and liked it. Since she wasn't quite sure how to work the Instagram app, I thought it might be easier for her to use and I was right. She can often open it herself and flip through the latest photos of her grandkids AND great-grandkids, near and far. Even if she sometimes needs help finding her spot, overall, this has been one of the easier iPad apps to use.
  4. Color Cap ? This is still a big fave of mine for adding encouraging Bible verses to various photos. They've popped up here and in other places online, as well as arriving in text messages and emails to various loved ones of all ages far and wide.?

WOW - no neck on grandkid - or is there hehehehehehe -?

How about you? Have you found some good photo apps that are especially easy and/or?for you, your senior parents and those sweet grandkids? We'd love to hear!?

P.S. The latest #ElderCareChat is out and quite useful for many of us in the Sandwich Generation ? the topic was Assisted Living Facilities! You can find the recap at Seniors For Living and big thanks to Michelle and Denise from Caregiving for regularly hosting this useful resource on Twitter.?


P.S. Thank you so much for your comments. I appreciate them very much and read each one. I also do my best to reply to them all but, as you can imagine, there are times (many times, lately :) ) when caregiving needs do not allow for that. Thank you for your patience and your sweet comments.


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