Sunday, July 21, 2013

Poll Watch: Viewpoint Florida Survey on the George Zimmerman Trial

Viewpoint Florida Poll on the George Zimmerman Trial

Do you think that George Zimmerman should have been found guilty in the death of Trayvon Martin, or do you think that the jury?s ?not guilty? verdict was correct?

  • Not guilty verdict was correct 56%
  • Should have been found guilty 38%

Among Whites

  • Not guilty verdict was correct 68%
  • Should have been found guilty 24%

Among Blacks

  • Not guilty verdict was correct 7%
  • Should have been found guilty 91%

Among Republicans

  • Not guilty verdict was correct 79%
  • Should have been found guilty 17%

Among Democrats

  • Not guilty verdict was correct 29%
  • Should have been found guilty 63%

Now that George Zimmerman?s trial is over, there has been some discussion of Zimmerman facing federal hate crime charges. Generally speaking, do you think that George Zimmerman should be charged for a hate crime?

  • Should face federal hate crime charges 30%
  • Should not face federal hate crime charges 63%

Among Whites

  • Should face federal hate crime charges 18%
  • Should not face federal hate crime charges 76%

Among Blacks?

  • Should face federal hate crime charges 76%
  • Should not face federal hate crime charges 9%

Among Republicans

  • Should face federal hate crime charges 13%
  • Should not face federal hate crime charges 84%

Among Democrats

  • Should face federal hate crime charges 52%
  • Should not face federal hate crime charges 38%

Which of the following statements best describes the George Zimmerman case to you? This was a clear act of racially motivated violence, this was an act of murder but not racially motivated, or was it a justified act of self-?defense?

  • Act of self??defense 53%
  • Act of racially motivated discrimination 27%
  • Act of murder without racial motivation 13%

Among Whites

  • Act of self??defense 63%
  • Act of racially motivated discrimination 16%
  • Act of murder without racial motivation 11%

Among Blacks?

  • Act of self??defense 7%
  • Act of racially motivated discrimination 72%
  • Act of murder without racial motivation 18%

Among Republicans

  • Act of self??defense 75%
  • Act of racially motivated discrimination 11%
  • Act of murder without racial motivation 8%

Among Democrats

  • Act of self??defense 30%
  • Act of racially motivated discrimination 48%
  • Act of murder without racial motivation 16%

Which of the following statements best describes your views on Florida?s Stand Your Ground Law? The Stand Your Ground Law is fine the way it is, The Stand Your Ground Law should be changed and restricted, or The Stand Your Ground Law should be removed entirely.

  • Fine the way it is 50%?
  • Should be changed and restricted 31%
  • Should be removed entirely 13%?

Among Whites

  • Fine the way it is 60%?
  • Should be changed and restricted 25%
  • Should be removed entirely 10%

Among Blacks?

  • Fine the way it is 15%?
  • Should be changed and restricted 56%
  • Should be removed entirely 25%

Among Republicans

  • Fine the way it is 72%?
  • Should be changed and restricted 16%
  • Should be removed entirely 6%

Among Democrats

  • Fine the way it is 27%?
  • Should be changed and restricted 47%
  • Should be removed entirely 22%

In your opinion, have race relations in the United States gotten better or worse since Barack Obama took office almost 5 years ago, or have they stayed about the same??

  • Gotten better 10%
  • Gotten worse 53%
  • Stayed about the same 35%

Among Whites

  • Gotten better 10%
  • Gotten worse 56%
  • Stayed about the same 32%

Among Blacks?

  • Gotten better 12%
  • Gotten worse 38%
  • Stayed about the same 45%

Among Republicans

  • Gotten better 4%
  • Gotten worse 70%
  • Stayed about the same 24%

Among Democrats

  • Gotten better 17%
  • Gotten worse 35%
  • Stayed about the same 45%

Survey of 900 registered Florida voters was conducted July 18, 2013. The margin of error is +/- 3.27 percentage points. Party ID: 42% Democrat; 39% Republican; 18% Independent/Other. Gender: 56% Female; 44% Male. Race: 71% White; 15% Black; 10% Hispanic; 5% Other.?Click here?to view crosstabs.

-Data compilation and analysis courtesy of?The Argo Journal


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