Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Groom's Nerdiness Is Now Endearing To The Bride-To-Be ...

Anh Nguyen met Justin DeMaris the first day at her new job, and "thought he was nerdy?He had absolutely no chance" of dating her, Anh says.

Justin thought she was cute, but does not dispute Anh's description. "I had really long hair. I wore roller-blades at work. All I could talk about was computers."

There were few females in ResNet, the student-run computer tech support group where they worked at the University of Connecticut in Storrs in the fall of 2005. This is why Anh stood out, but they rarely talked with each other, though both were age 20 and sophomores, Justin says. Anh was a pharmacy major working at the front desk as a receptionist, and Justin was studying computer science engineering and worked in the back office repairing computers.

"She was way out of my league," Justin says, plus, she had a boyfriend.

In the fall of 2008 they ran into each other and spoke briefly while out with friends. "Nerdy guy who never graduated," Anh thought, not realizing Justin had graduated in the spring and was working on campus in information technology. Both of them were dating other people at the time.

In January 2009, after they both had broken up their relationships, they chatted on Facebook. One night following a Facebook conversation, Justin stopped by a friend's apartment and found him on the phone making plans to go to Anh's. He took the phone and told Anh he was offended he wasn't invited, and that he was inviting himself.

"I can't believe this guy is coming over," Anh said. "It was just awkward," but turned out OK.

"I thought that she was a lot smarter and a lot more fun than I expected," Justin says. Two days later their mutual friend invited Anh and Justin to go out with him.

"He definitely was trying" to be a matchmaker, Anh says. She and Justin were holding hands under the table in a short while. "Anh was really cute and I was interested," he says. Anh turned down several Valentine's Day hoping Justin would call her. "I didn't get around to asking her," until his friend started urging.

When he showed up at Anh's apartment with a live orchid and a pyramid-shaped card he had made, she was impressed. Justin had done a test drive to Cavey's Restaurant in Manchester before meeting Anh to make sure their dinner date that night would go smoothly.

Not long after, they declared that they were in a relationship, and saw each other almost daily.

As for Jason's nerdiness, "He was better than he used to be," Anh says. "He still had long hair, but no rollerblades."

During Anh's last year in her six-year pharmacy program, she lived home in Wethersfield and worked in various pharmaceutical settings, but they continued to see each other frequently. Jason was developing software for an advertising company in Manhattan and commuting from an apartment in West Hartford. When Anh was hired as a pharmacist at Walgreen's in Bristol in 2010, Jason had apartments in Berlin and New York City.

In July 2012 Anh was promoted to a pharmacy manager position at Walgreen's in Stamford, and found an apartment nearby. Jason, working for a media company in New York, gave up his Connecticut residence, and commuted from Manhattan to see Anh.

In late July they stayed in Manhattan for a weekend that Jason made memorable with a proposal.

They plan to marry on May 4 of this year in Hamden. "I wanted a May wedding," and the ceremony will be outdoors, Anh says.

They have not decided on a honeymoon location and are still making plans for incorporating Vietnamese dishes into the menu, as Anh's parents are both natives of Vietnam.

Justin hasn't decided if he will break-dance at their wedding. "My senior year of high school, I wanted to be less nerdy, so I joined the break-dance club," at Amity High School, he says.

"He is still nerdy at heart," Anh says, though Justin looks "like one of those Wall Street" executives, and the rollerblades are no longer part of his attire. In her eye, "His nerdiness has actually gotten cute by now."

Ahn is not a break-dancer, but they share a love of travel and have been to Europe and on several cruises together. At age 26, Anh and Justin hope to continue exploring the world by working in countries around the globe.


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